3 out of 4 stars in MOJO! 

Big news!

Not only did our new album, Meet Me In The Middle, get reviewed in the latest edition of MOJO magazine – we got 3 out of 4 stars! Not bad, for our first time appearing in this fantastic global music mag!! Check that off my bucket list! Here's what they said:


“Erin Harpe is an unmannered singer and assured guitarist, with an assertive touch and a firm grasp of country blues idiom, revealed in performances of Memphis Minnie’s What’s The Matter With The Mill and Lucille Bogan’s I Hate That Train Called The M&O. Among her original compositions, One Fine Day is set to the gorgeous melody of the old parlour guitar piece Spanish Fandango.” 

I immediately thought, “they're right, I don't have any manners”, but then I looked up unmannered (we don't really use that word over here...), and I guess it's a compliment, meaning “not affected or artificial in style.”


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    one of the most dynamic, talented and exciting roots rocking blues women on the scene” - Living Blues Magazine

    Erin Harpe is a rising star in the roots and blues scene, with a growing fan base around the world. The award-winning singer, guitarist, producer, and songwriter has been compared to legendary guitar playing blues women like Memphis Minnie and Bonnie Raitt. 

    Bonnie Raitt on modern performance enhancing drugs!” - The Midwest Record